Formality Check

  • The Department of Intellectual Property Rights will conduct formality check of filed applications and notify within forty five days from the filing date of the application
  • The Department of Intellectual Property Rights will verify the application form if it is fulfilled the requirements and then issue an acknowledgment of application.
  • In case of the application is not met with the requirements, the Department of Intellectual Property Rights will notify the applicant to add or adjust unfulfilled points. The applicant may add or adjust application within six (06) months from the date of notification. The application will be deemed to be abandoned if there is no addition or adjustment or response or positive explanation within the above aforesaid period. At the request of applicant, the Department of Intellectual Property Rights may provide the extension for another six (6) month.
  • The Department of Intellectual Property Rights will examine the added or adjusted documents and will respond within forty five days from the date of receiving them.

Last updated on: May 21, 2024